5 Grammar Lessons from TedEd

TedEd Grammar Lesson

Throughout this year, we’ve found “The Writer’s Workshop” videos series over at TedEd particularly useful for writers. The series has a number of entries, ranging from a refresher on Edgar Allan Poe to instructions on how to become a slam poet.

But perhaps most intriguing to independent authors are the entries on grammar. The videos offer straightforward, simple ways of looking at complex grammar issues.  We’ve collected five of the videos we’ve found most useful here. To see more, also click over to the TedEd Writer’s Workshop page.

How to use a semicolon

The semicolon can be somewhat confusing because its function falls somewhere between a colon and a period. Find out more in this video:

When to use apostrophes

Apostrophes are at times easy to understand, and at other times, well, not so much (S’s?). Here’s how apostrophes work:

How misused modifiers can hurt your writing

Modifiers can be extremely helpful to your writing. When used incorrectly, however, they can do more harm than good. This video is a great way to see how to use modifiers.

When to use “Me”, “Myself” and “I”

Unbeknownst to some writers, these words are not interchangeable. Learn the differences between these three similar words in the following video:

Grammar’s great divide: The Oxford Comma

Finally, our favorite. The question here is not so much how to use the Oxford Comma, but whether or not you should. Find out more in the video:
