Textbook Printing.
About TextBooks
A book used in the study of a subject. A rather bland definition to be sure. However, the subject matter nor the presentation of information need be bland. How to convey this information is up to the author and when it’s done well a good textbook will be retained and referenced for years to come.
That idea, that the book will be referenced for years means that it should be a durable volume. Materials choice and binding options should be thoroughly considered when printing a text book.
It goes without saying that a dog-eared copy of your book on someone’s shelf would speak volumes of your efforts. It’s proof positive that you have helped inspire and teach others on the very subject for which you have an enduring passion.
Common Choices
• PORTRAIT: 8.5″ x 11″
• Casebound
• Perfect Bound
• 60# Smooth Opaque Text
I would recommend them very highly.

Dust Jackets are meant to add protection to the cover. They also add great visual impact for casebound books, helping them to pop when laying on a table or tucked away on a bookshelf.
Lamination adds a strong layer of protection to your book's cover. In addition to visual appeal, lamination can add a tactile quality to your book. Ask about our Soft Touch lamination option.
Aside from standard gold or silver foil, there is a wide variety of specialty foils from which to choose. Give us a call to discuss your many options.
No other option has as much impact as a well executed emboss on your cover. Subtle, refined and very next level – use a quality emboss to really stand out.
End bands are the perfect way to add that finishing touch to your hardcover book. These are the multi color ribbons that you see at the top and bottom of a book's spine.
Today's hardcover books are crafted using modern equipment and materials to achieve incredible durability. A traditional binding technique however still offers unprecedented resilience. Smythe sewing is common in Library Binding for books that will see years of heavy use.