Book Binding Services: The Best Method for Your Project

David Rogers

An old saying informs us we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but we all know that we do it anyway. So authors certainly pay attention to the visual presentation of their books, and one of the choices that greatly influences that look is the binding method. Making the best choice between different methods means considering a few factors -- some aesthetic and...

How Paper Affects Color

In printing we are often confronted with the problem of expectation versus reality. The color that you see on your monitor, your laser printer, your color proof, your press proof and the final printed product can look surprisingly different from one another. This is the reality. Of course the expectation is that they are all the same.

Reasons for these diff...

A Not So Simple (Marketing) Postcard

Before you send a marketing postcard to print there are many things to consider before pulling the trigger:


Square mailers usually have higher postage rates than rectangular pieces, as they cannot be sorted a...